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Society Mind

Youth revolt

Screenshot of a scene in The Hunger Games

Today's youth dares to protest for what is important with the example of Katniss. But who is she?

Fighting for our values

picture of a protest

Young people of our generation take causes that are important to them personally. How do they do it?

The danger of new technologies

picture of a person wearing a VR headset facing buildings

New technologies are revolutionary and innovative. But are they not too revolutionary, to the point of being dangerous?

Singapore: a green and modern city

picture of Singapore

Singapore is the place that represents the most our contemporary society. But by what aspects?

Mental health in literature

picture of someone sitting alone

Mental health is becoming more important in our society. But how is it addressed in popular culture?

Marina: acceptation lyrics

picture of the singer Marina

Marina encourages us to accept ourselves. By what methods?

Society Mind is a website dedicated to the contemporary society of 2022 like a journal would. This site stop in time in time and looks at important issues of our current society: modernity and its technologies, the commitment of youth and self-acceptance, its body but also its mind. It is based on popular culture but also on current issues such as the environment and new technologies.