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The danger of new technologies

Harmful: that is the word to describe new technologies. Although they are innovative, they are also dangerous. Dangerous for us but also for the environment.

picture of someone wearing a VR headset facing buildings
One of the risks of VR headsets: no longer dissociating reality from the virtual

New technologies are harmful to us. For our health, our safety, our relationships with others. Let's take the example of the virtual reality headset. Very good invention to immerse yourself totally in a video game. But being too much in a game can be dangerous. There is a risk of no longer separating the real from the virtual. You lose track of time, which can confine you. If you are too involved in a game, you think less about the rest. Eating, showering, seeing real people becomes irrelevant. This can also be dangerous for young people. They will have fewer relationships with others, and may become addicted more quickly. Exaggerating, our world with VR could be like Ready Player One.

The disadvantage of the self-driving car

Another danger of new technologies is the self-driving car. A good invention to be able to do several things at the wheel. However, we know the result: sleeping at the wheel, playing or watching a film. We will no longer be focused on driving as the car takes care of it. We will trust the autopilot. But can we really trust it? A computer bug, or even a hack in the worst case, can happen quickly. And in terms of control, will we still have control? To avoid something the car won't pick up? But will we see it if we do something else?

picture of someone driving with a VR headset
Test to allow driving with a VR headset in the future

New technologies that are harmful to the environment

The risks on the environment are no less. From factories to the issue of recycling products, the environment is affected. The biggest example is nuclear energy, a substance that still cannot be disposed of or recycled. Hydro dams can also have an impact on the environment. Whether it breaks or stops, there will be an impact on the environment. Factories release substances that are harmful to us without necessarily realising it. Over time, this can be dangerous. These are just examples but they are real.